Explorations & Experiments
Here you'll find more conceptual explorations, some partially-brainstormed work, and smaller projects not fit for a full case study. Some projects below may contain intellectual property not commissioned by their respective IP owners and are solely exploratory in nature. Select a project for full information.

Tokyo 2020: Watch Party Invites
I love to give everything I do a grand entrance and in this case, I [would've been] hosting a watch party for the Opening Ceremonies of the 2020 games. I took inspiration from the real-life event tickets for the Tokyo Summer Olympics to craft a special invite to send to my friends. I started so early on the assets, though, that I had no clue there were much bigger things in store for 2020 than the Olympics 😬

Cyanotype Process
Cyanotype is an alternative, old-world photographic process used famously in blueprints and botanical illustrations. It involves priming a surface with a chemical solution which, under UV light like the sun, expose the photonegative in a deep iron oxide blue called Prussian or Parisian Blue. Areas covered from the light have the chemical solution washed away to reveal some variation of white.